6 Key Elements to Successful Leadership and Management

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Wherever we are in our career as leaders, managers or entrepreneurs, there is a wealth of information out there to help steer us to success. However, it is often daunting to know where to look, what to read and what to trust.

What if you could cherry pick key elements across all aspects of business that could ensure success? … or discover something that really ‘sticks’ in helping you determine your own leadership style?

What we’re often looking for in our globalised world is something effective but is easily understood, easily remembered and easily implemented. So, what if you could distil down what really works and has proved effective across different businesses, different industries, different countries with varying clients? What are the CORE ELEMENTS that time and time again rise above all others and make the difference between true success and mediocrity, or worse – failure?

STIICX© offers a framework to guide us:

S  =  Signature

T  =  Teamwork

II  =  Intent & Instinct

C  =  Confidence

X  =  Flexibility

Signature: Find your signature or personal brand. Great leaders create a vision of the future that is vivid and compelling and motivates employees to want to achieve it, but it’s their leadership brand as stated by Norm Smallwood and Dave Ulrich that conveys their identity and distinctiveness as a leader. So don’t try and copy someone else. Learn what sets you apart, be proud of it and learn to become comfortable and genuine in your own skin and your team will more likely respect and follow you.

Teamwork: Business is built on a solid foundation of relationships and trust and the sooner you embrace the principles of teamwork over personal gain, the quicker you and your team will accomplish greater things. Take a look at any successful sportsteam, film star or business leader and they’ll nearly always thank their team first! They know that without their team, they’d never be standing on the podium in the first place so work hard to create a bond of strength in numbers, unity and support. You will provide your team with momentum and resilience while creating harmony in the workplace.

Intent: Instead of giving instructions, give INTENT. You can’t get much better than JFK’s “We choose to go the moon” speech over 60 years ago! Your team will stop requesting permission and start thinking for themselves. This will inspire them to take ownership while being respected for the job they’ve been hired to do. Remember, 2, 200 or 2000 thinking minds will always be better than one.

Instinct: When leading a team through unchartered waters, there is no roadmap on what to do. When everything is uncertain and the risk and pressure starts to mount – your natural intuition needs to kick in. Instinct is human nature’s key tool that we must remember to use and trust rather than going with the herd, blindly following projected deadlines or management goals. So listen to your intuition and trust your instinct as often as you can and you’ll successfully navigate you and your team to your objective, even if it’s a little late.

Confidence: Confidence is needed to convey your identity and distinctiveness as a leader. It communicates the value you offer and delivers consistency to your leadership brand. Develop the confidence and character to stand up for what you think, what you stand for and what you believe in rather than always being the yes man and staying safe with the crowd. In turn, you’ll generate loyalty and respect, even if they don’t always agree with you.

FleXibility: It’s no secret the business environment for most companies is changing faster than ever before, which requires people and organisations they work for to change right along with it.

We’ve all been faced with a situation when it feels like bullets are flying at us but great leaders see the changes coming on the horizon so aim to balance your objectives and deadlines with the bigger strategic picture. Avoid the tick box mentality and as above – trust your instinct. That way you can flex when you need with the confidence and knowledge you are acting in the best interest of the team, business and your career.

So now you have a sure fire tool to evolve and transform as an effective leader. The good news is this formula is not difficult, it just takes courage, personal reflection and a determination to implement.

We are the next generation of leaders and the use of social media provides us the amazing opportunity to accelerate our learning for the good. I just hope some of it ‘STIICX’ for you!

Matt Guiver (MAC, IDI®QA) is a coach, trainer and speaker and founder ofJumpstone International: jumpstoneinternational.com. A consultancy based service offering innovative, interactive and intercultural coaching and retreats (St. Gilgen, Austria). He helps clients discover clarity and perspective in theirinternational business and personal development dilemmas.

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