Matt’s Monthly Skimmer (Oct ’23)

This monthly update provides you with Jumpstone’s latest news, coaching insights and perspective to inspire all of us to feel empowered and elevate our leadership.

October 2023

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Quote of the month

Comparison is the Thief of Joy!”

Theodore Roosevelt

Am I the only one not going to France? I have this quote above my desk on a sticky note in my office and it came as a timely reminder to refocus my feelings as I felt the pangs of jealousy at the increasing number of people I know that seemed to be jetting off to France to watch the Rugby World Cup live. I didn’t realise until I researched this quote that it is from Roosevelt’s speech in 1910 – in Paris of all places!

If we’re not careful, we can easily get drawn into feeling that those around us in our social circles and beyond get to do more, see more and experience more, rather than focusing on our own goals, being grateful for what we have and living in the moment to the glimmers of joy all around us.

Check out this wonderful article that outlines how you can break away from comparison and find greater contentment in your own life.

What’s New, October ’23 ?

This month I’ve joined HomeGrown –  a private members’ business club that provides entrepreneurial pioneers with unique resources to unlock the true value of their business potential.

hg hero

Jumpstone is excited to be part of a community of over 1.5k professionals in the heart of London, where inspirational business owners meet to network, collaborate and share valuable professional insights across a range of industries.

If you would like to meet Matt in London at Homegrown, please contact him here.

Client lnsight of the Month

What is your definition of Success?

Following on from this month’s quote, exploring your definition of success is crucial to aligning to your intrinsic goals and living the life that you would rather be living in order to be healthier, happier and more fulfilled. It seems a simple enough question on the surface, but I find it remarkable how many of us are duped into living our lives through the expectations of others, status or culture with little attention to our true intrinsic motivations.

I mentioned last month that I do 3 GPS exercises with clients to orientate their present-day position. The 2nd Exercise, called ‘The Curve of Life’, is very telling in providing an insight into my client’s mindset, sense of direction and their awareness to what Success really means to them.

Once they have explored their own true definition of success – whether it’s spending more time with family, travelling the world, or even setting up their own dream of running a gelateria – my clients are far more aware of how to re-adjust their lifestyles. By examining their important versus urgent commitments, they are finally able to find the balance and focus needed to re-align to their definition of success.

It doesn’t matter how old you are or where you are in your career or life, this question is well worth taking time out to explore and get back on track to your true north!

PictureSpark: Image of the Month

PictureSpark Logo

The Genius of PictureSpark is a proven and powerful technique that swiftly unravels challenges within yourself and your business through the neuroscience of imagery. It allows you to harness your natural intuition and find true clarity in areas such as strategy, leadership, brand, culture and innovation.

This month’s image was inspired by a fishing trip on the Solent where I captured a peregrine falcon in flight.

What comes to mind when looking at this image?

perigrin falcon

I’d love to hear what you see in this image. Send me a note.

Matt’s reflection: Are you free to soar despite the rules and constraints put upon us?

Coaching Perspective of the Month

Jumpstone provides a professional soundboard to help leaders navigate their challenges both in their professional and personal lives.

If 3 people are each seeing one of the following shapes, but they are all looking at the same object, what is it?


Hint: I often share this riddle to help clients understand it’s all about perspective!

If you want the answer, please contact me.

Jumpstone Resource of the Month

Jumpstone’s Pathfinder Plan includes taking 3 tests: The Leadership Circle Profile, Gallup’s Clifton Strengths and the iEQ9 so the leader can truly understand their leadership, skill set and personality.

ieq9 image


We’ve all wondered who we are and what makes us unique.

The Integrative Enneagram offers unique clarity about who you are, and how you fit in and interact with the world. It takes only 30 minutes and 175 quick questions to uncover your unique character.

The Enneagram offers a comprehensive roadmap to understanding your deepest inner world, overcoming limiting patterns, and guiding you toward transformation and your highest self.

If you’re interested to find out your iEQ9 profile, click on the link here:

Chat with Matt

I believe we’re all a ‘Work in Progress’, and to that end, I am always interested to learn, grow and evolve my leadership coaching practice. If you would like to share an insight, or are interested in Jumpstone’s Leadership Services, please contact me via the links below:

Matt Guiver
URL link to Calendly:

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